MSI WT73VR 7RM-648US wireless not working - wont connect to wifi - wifi not working - cannot connect to internet - no connection available
MSI WT73VR 7RM-648US wireless not working
Important Note ! First, download and install latest updated wireless driver from here and then follow our guide for windows 10 especialy.
Now, if you have wifi wireless driver installed and your wireless connection still not working, do these:
Look at MSI WT73VR 7RM-648US keyboard for Fn button, then look at the top of your keyboard where the F keys are alright ?
Now press and keep Fn button pressed, and press the coresponding wireless icon button (F9 for example) once.
Now, check your internet connection, and if is not working press Fn+F9 again and try next or previous buttons.
NOTE ! If the pressed combination not working, press again that combination to restore some functions of your laptop, because you can disable touchpad, bluetooth etc. so don`t be scared because you can start again what you have stopped.
The second way to fix wireless for MSI WT73VR 7RM-648US is:
Go to network icon, network settings, Change adapter options
Now select wireless adapter instead of Ethernet like in our image and press Disable and then Enable
Anyways, be sure that is Enabled !! This can be a fix wireless antenna.
MSI WT73VR 7RM-648US wireless not working - wont connect to wifi - wifi not working - cannot connect to internet - no connection available
MSI WT73VR 7RM-648US Article created and published by Leo Mihali